- This
thesis helps me to understand the meaning, function, and the effects of the
3 sacraments of initiation in the Catholic Church.
- This
thesis explains how a person once incorporated into the body of Christ is
confirmed in the mission of Christ and sent to carry of the same mission
of Christ. (to proclaim and establish God’s kingdom) in and through the
- This
thesis looks into the sensitive issue of the age old controversy on the
question of salvation outside the church.
initiation celebrates the conversion (Mk 1,14)
a. Initiation refers to a change in a person’s
condition or status
b. It affects the person as an individual and places him
in new context/community.
Humans are God’s
creation and source and goal of human life is God.
Conversion is
the process of becoming completely God-centered.
1. Christian initiation celebrates the
conversion of a person. (Mk 1,15)
initiation primarily implies – conversion (Turning to God)
Conversion is a
process of becoming completely God centered ( turning to God).
Mk 1, 15 – ‘
Repent and Believe’ is a call to
Therefore Metanoea
is not jut sorrow from sin but a fundamental re-orientation of one’s
whole life.
This process of
conversion takes place in a person through the power of God.
This conversion
implies taking a new direction, involving a serious decision.
can be understood in 2 senses.
a. Sociological: Person leaves one community to join
the other.
b. Religious: Conversion to a way of life. – Peron
turning to God.
It’s a lifelong
process and not a momentary happening.
In the Catholic
Church this conversion is celebrated through sacraments of initiation.
They are baptism and Confirmation.
With Baptism and
Confirmation we celebrate the newness of life in Christ.
Christian initiation gives him/her a
Christian identity (Rom 6/3-11)
- Through the
sacrament of initiation a person is transformed and becomes a member of
the church, sharing in the church’s identity and mission.
(transformed + become member of the
church = sharing in the church’s identity and mission)
- Membership
implies that a person has accepted God’s self communication in Jesus
Christ. + responded (to it) by becoming a formal member of the church
Christian initiation gives the following
a. We become another Christ: By baptism we partake in
the death and resurrection of Jesus.
Eis Christon = 1 Cor 12,13
Syn Christo = Rom 6,6
En Chrito = Communion of being –symbiosis
b. Share the priesthood of Christ – CP
c. Partakers of God’s mission(gifts of charism)
The classic text in the NT to understand
Christian initiation is Rom 6, 3-11
where Paul says that,
A Christian is
buried with Christ
And is raised
with him.
That is what has taken place in the
person of Christ will also undergo in the one who undergoes Baptism.
Christian initiation gives mission through the power of the HS( ND
- Through the
sacrament of initiation a person share not only the identity of the church
but also shares church’s mission to human kind.
ND 1441:
Through Baptism one is made a member of
the church, sharing in the priesthood of the Saviour.
a. We are strengthened
b. Bound more perfectly to the church.
c. Obliged to defend and spread the faith by word and
deed as true witnesses of Christ.
2. Incorporated into the Church (LG 1-4) and having received
charisms( 1 Cor 12/ 4-11), Christian
participates in the mission of the Church.
into the church refers to Baptism;
Charism refers to Confirmation
Through both
Christian participates in the mission of the Church.
- LG 14
: The church
is necessary for salvation and Christ who(is present in the church)
is the mediator and the way of salvation;
- Faith
is necessary for Baptism.
- All those
who refuse to enter it knowing that Church was founded by Christ – would
not be saved.
Fully incorporated into the church are
those who possessing the spirit of Christ, accept all
the means of salvation given to the church together with her entire
organization and are joined to the visible structure of the Church.
- 1st phase of the
rite of Christian initiation.
- Beginning of Christian way of
- Gives identity + makes him a member
of the church.
roots for Baptism
Old Testament
- Begins with circumcision rite
of Judaism. ( Gen 17/9-14) – Circumcision is a sign of covenant between
YHWH and Abraham.
- Washing rite of priests( Ex
40/12-15)(Consecration of Aaron and his sons as priests)
New Testament:
- Baptism of John the Baptist(
Mt 3/11-12)
- Baptism of Jesus Christ (Mk
1/10-11) – The coming of the HS of Jesus.
- The classic text of baptism in
NT : Rom 6/ 3-11 :
- A Christian shares intimately
in the death and resurrection of jesus. What has taken place in the person
of Christ, will also take place in the ove who undergoes baptism.
Vat II ( LG II) - Baptism
Incorporates us into church.
Orients us to the worship of God.
Gives us rebirth as sons and daughters
of God.
Calls us to witness a priestly,
apostolic and holy people.( AA11,2,3)
Bond of unity.
source of potentially full unity among
the divided Christian community( UR 22)
Theology of Baptism:
Baptism takes away original sin. and
Actual Sin( in adult baptism)
Baptism is the celebration of the God’s
gift of life.(New creation – sanctifying grace)
Baptism identifies a person with Jesus Christ.
Presence of the HS.
Baptism effects membership or
incorporation into the church( LG 14)
Receiving Charisms (Confirmation) – 1 Cor 12/ 4-11
- Confirmation
is a sacrament in the Christian initiation process.
- It is ether
celebrated as part of the rite of Christian initiation in adults or as
separate from the baptism in the case of those who are baptized as
( In Adults : Baptism + Confirmation
B + C are administered separately)
Confirmation involves 2 things.
a. Anointing (Consecration) – It is direct
participation in Christ’s mission.
b. Laying of Hands: Act of Communion.
(Confirmation suggests both –
ratification of baptism and the strengthening of Baptismal grace)
Roots of Confirmation:
New Testament:
Lk 1,35 – Birth
of Jesus foretold to Mary by the angel : “ The
Holy Spirit will come upon you and power of the most high will overshadow you.”
Lk 3,22 : The Baptism
of Jesus: The HS descended upon him in
bodily form like a dove.
Lk 4, 1 :
Temptation of Jesus – Jesus full of the
HS returned from Jordan and was led by the spirit.
Lk 4,14 : The
beginning of the Galillean ministry – “
Thus Jesus, filled with the power of the HS…”
The NT brings out 2 fold nature of the
a. Spirit comes spontaneously
from the Father through the Son.
b. The spirit is given in connection with the
sacrament and re-orientation of one’s life.
Classic text of Confirmation: Act 8/ 14-17
where the divine spirit is given through
the laying of hands ( Peter and John) on the people of Samaria.
( In NT – no separate rite of
confirmation but it was in connection to Baptism.
Eastern churches no separation between
Baptism and Confirmation
Western Churches Confirmation is
reserved for Bishops)
Theology of Confirmation
1. A person is endowed with spiritual strength of the
HS, sealing with the gifts of the spirit.
2. Confirmation affirms the missionary character of the
church and we have an obligation to the mission of the Church( ND 1041, 1042)
3. Confirmation
reveals – Jesus as the one who receives and send the HS.
Jesus is confirmed in his mission and Jesus confirms us in our mission.
1 Cor 12/ 4-11 : Gifts of the spirit
are given to an - individual or group for building up of the
body of Christ.
1 Cor 12/ 4 – 11
: There are varieties of gifts which are complementary.
All meant for the building up of the Church.
Church’ obligation to recognize these charisms( given to the faithful according
Spirit’s will – For the benefit of believers & for the building up of the Church.
Those who
exercise charisms and the church should work together.
3. The Church acknowledges that conversion/ salvation can take place
even in those who do not undergo Christian initiation ( LG 16, ND 855-56)
- The
church acknowledges that salvation take place even in those who do not
undergo Christian initiation because Lg 16 says salvation is available
outside the church as well.
- Because
saviour wills that people be saved ( 1 Tim 2, 4)
All are part of God’s plan
of salvation and they belong to this people of God fin various ways:
a. Jews – Covenant
b. Muslims – God as merciful – profess
faith in Abraham
c. Hindus : In shadows and idols
d. comic religions : Seek God with a relentless heart
e. tribal religions : Worshiping the forces
of nature
ND 855 – 56 :
gain eternal salvation it is not always required that a person be incorporated
into the church, but what is required is desire and longing.
desire need not necessary be explicit- he/she is saved because of the good
disposition of the soul( conscience).
Conclusion :
· Common priesthood
outside the church
16 – Revelation of other scriptures / religion
of other scriptures
- Humans made in the image and likeness of God.
are religious beings.
GS –
Joys and sorrows of the world
1,2,3 - Mission command
15 – Rays of truth in other religions.