*Welcome to the world of Catholic Theology for a intense God-Talk.*** The blog contains 22 presentations, that explain the Catholic Theology on various topics.*** These thesis are basically a help for the students who are preparing for their comprehensive exams at JDV, Pune.Well! to prepare these thesis I have taken help from several texts prepared by my senior students like Rudy Menezes, Seraphim SJ, Learoy Rodrigues, James Selvaraj Sj are some of them*** In case of any doubt- clarifications please contact - rayanjoelsj@gmail.com or +39 3920265902.*** Thank You.***

10 – Human Person

In the Christian vision of faith, humans are rational beings. The relational dimension of humans is seen in their being the image of God, being male and female as well as embodied and Sexual, being
able to exercise dominion over creation through work, being graced and being capable of exercising freedom for or against God and God’s creatures.(Gen 1-3) Jesus is the real symbol of the encounter between God and humans and reveals the mystery of authentic personhood(GS 10). the church’s approach to various issues affecting human existence is based on a distinctive theological understaning of human person(GS 12-17,22, LE 9,25,27, SRS 29,40) The recent discoveries in the natural and human sciences provide new opportunities to deepen the Christian understanding of human person, while also raising serious questions in the realm of faith.

1.      In Christian vision of faith, humans are relational beings.
·         Trinity is a communion of persons. Therefore when we say that human person is created in the image and likeness of God, it implies that human person is relational.
·         Imago Dei evokes the central truth that human person is relational by nature.
·         Genesis places the human being in the cosmic context as  related to nature.
HP has 3 dimensional relations – God – Other HB – Cosmos.
i). We are rooted in the world.
ii). Dependent on god(gen 2,7)
iii) To be related with others.

Image of God – Imago Dei :
·         Image refers to the external similarities – co- partners with God.
·         Likeness refers to internal similarity.
·         Compassion, Love, Mercy, Joy
·         God shares the Trinitarian life with us and our ability to encounter trinity is the meaning of being in the image of god.
Image of God can be understood in 3 ways.
a.       Ontological understanding: Focuses on essential nature of HB.
IOG is manifested in spiritual faculties – Intellect –will- memory
b.      Functional Understanding: Participating in the dominical care of the earth.
c.       Relational Understanding: Triple dimensional dialogical relationship – With God, With Others, With World.
Male and Female:
·         No human is an island. Male and female presupposes community/ social beings.
·         They represent a human communion and this takes place within the context of a community.
·         Therefore GS 12 : “Communion among persons is a necessary condition to develop his/her gifts.
·         Human beings exist as body – Self.
·         Without embodiment one has no existence in the world – no identity – no relation.
·         Embodiment enables the human person to locate oneself in the world, find one’s identity, and reach out in relationship to others.
·         Integral part, of the cosmos – ecological being.
Human Peron is sexual
·         Sexuality is the power that moves us out of ourselves, towards others.
·         GS 12: “God did not create HB as solitary being.”
·         Human sexuality symbolizes the truth of the human orientation towards others, world and God in intimacy, communication and communion.
Being able to exercise dominion over creation through work
Dominion refers to : Sharing activity –           Caring for the earth
                                                                        Being guardians
                                                                        Stewards of the earth.

-The power to nurture the earth(in terms of humanization.)
·         We are called to humanize the earth.
·         It is a power for and not power over.

·         HB exercise dominion over creation through work.
·         Work is the expression of the body – person’s openness to the world.
·         Work is concretization of human freedom.
·         In dialogical relationship with the trinity, we become co-creatures with God in refashioning the world through work.
·         JPII in LE 4 stated that -work constitutes a fundamental dimension of human existence in the world.
·         Work ensures solidarity with the past and the future generations and contributes to the present society itself in the incarnation of human labour.
There are two ways of understanding work.
a.      Objective sense:
·         Dignity of work on the basis of what is dine
·         You are paid for what you do.
b.      Subjective sense: Work get dignity because human person’s do it.

Human person graced and capable of exercising freedom or against god and God’s creatures.(Therefore sin)
Human person is graced
(Grace refers to the freedom God bestows on us.)
The divine – human relationship is expressed – by the notion of grace.
·         The divine – human communion is grace.
·         Grace is God’s self giving.
·         Grace is the very dharma of God and was (is) manifested in the incarnation.
·         Grace is a gratuitous love of god given in the person of Christ.
Human freedom and Sin:
·         Freedom: with grace – freedom is empowered.
·         Freedom is the capacity to become what we are called to be – communion with the trinity, fullness of life.
·         The self actualization of the HP depends on freely conforming one’s ways to to the intention of the creator.
·         The ability and the capacity to conform oneself to the finality of creation is freedom.
·         It manifests in loving service to the other.
·         Freedom is the radical capacity to be able to choose oneself in the direction of God or act of self donation.

Gal 5, 13: (Speaking of Individual freedom)
·         “We are called to be slaves, slaves to one another. – before and into god. It’s a self realization in the direction of God or radical self refusal towards God.
·         Therefore freedom is a capacity to desire.
·         Desire to Life and Love.
·         God is life and love, thus by freedom we are choosing God indirectly.
·         (Ultimately freedom is our capacity or god).
·         Refusal of relationships with – God, others and World
·         Absence of god
·         Going against god’s will
·         Turning away from God.
·         Missing the mark.
Therefore when one goes away from God (Sins), he or she cuts off from life source.
Sin (Rom 5,12) : Image of god would imply that human sinfulness is primarily a  failure to grow into the image of God through authentic relationship with God, humans and Cosmos.
Gen 2, 4- 3, 24
·         Second creation story considers Adam and eve as historical persons.
·         The mistranslation of Rom 5,12 is in him all have sinned. It should be because of him all have sinned.

Jesus is the real symbol of the encounter between God and humans and reveals the mystery of being as authentic human person.(GS 10)
Jesus is the real symbol
·         It means Jesus is the manifestation or epiphany of the authentic human person. In him we know who god is, “ but also who we are”
·         Mk 1,14 = You are my beloved son, with whom I am well pleased.

GS 10: HB doesn’t understand fully, because he/she is the meeting point of many conflicting forces.
·         In spite of all modern progress human beings are still not able to find adequate answer to the suffering, death, evil and life after death.
·         The church firmly believes that the Christ who died and who was raised up for all can through his spirit, can give the light and strength to measure up to his supreme destiny.
·         Church also holds that in her most benign Lord and master can be found the focal point and the goal of man as well as of all human history.
·         The ultimate vocation of the human person is to share in the Trinitarian life and love which began in creation.
·         Christ made it possible for us and showed us by his example how to partake in the Trinitarian life and love.

The church’s approach to various issues affecting human existence is based on the distinctive theological understanding of the human person.
·         GS 12-17,22
·         LE – 9,25,27
·         SRS – 29,40.
G 12
·         Man was created to the image of God, as able to to know and love his creator and  a set him over all earthly creatures that he might rule them and make use of them while glorifying God.
·         This partnership of man and woman constitutes the first form of communion between persons.
GS 13 speaks of Sin
·         Man abused freedom – sought to  attain his goal apart from God.
·         Raptured his relationship with God – other men and creatures.
·         But the Lord himself came to – “free” or strengthen man.
GS 14 – Essential nature of Man
·         Man’s dignity requires that he should glorify  god in his body and not allow  it to serve the evil inclinations of his heart.
GS 15
·         Dignity of the Intellect,, of truth and Wisdom.
·         The intellectual nature of man in widom draws the human mind to look for and to love what is true and good.
GS 16
·         Dignity of Moral Conscience: in his conscience man is alone with God whose voice echoes in his depths calling him to love and do what is good and to avoid evil.
GS 17
·         The excellence of freedom
·         Only in freedom man can turn himself towards what is good.
·         God willed that man should be left in the hand of his own counel so that he might of his own accord seek his creator and freely attain his full and blessed perfection by cleaving to him.
GS 22 :
·         Christ – the New man.
·         The truth is that only in the mystery of incarnation word does the mystery of man take on light.
·         He who is in the image of the invisible God I himself the perfect man.
·         He restores the divine likeness which had been disfigured from first sin onward.
·         In HIM god reconciled us himself and among ourelves.
LE 19,25 : Affirms the dignity of work based on the dignity of worker.(Laborem Exerces – JP II , 1981)
SRS( Solicitudo Rei Socialis – social concern of the church) – 29,40(JP II, 1987)
-          The document speaks of spreading the church’s teaching, especially the option for the poor.
-          Recognizes the injustice of the few having so much and the many having nothing.
LE 27 –
The recent discoveries in the natural and human science provide new opportunities to deepen the Christian understanding of human person while also raising serious questions in the realm of faith.
·         Genetic engineering, Neuro science, brain study, astro physics give a deeper knowledge of what we are, what we made up off; it also helps to go deeper in the mystery of God’s creation and pause a serious question in the realm of  faith.
·         Neither theology nor science can provide an adequate understanding of the paradox and mystery of human person. Because theology tries answer the question “Why” we are created for and  science tries to answer the question – how we are created.

Genetic Engineering:
·         We behave according to Genetic information.
·         So are we Free?
·         If there is no freedom, how can we in?
Neuro Science:
·         Shows how the organization of the matter of the brain influences the mind and  how the mind influences the brain.
·         Qn: What is soul/mind? Is spiritual experience the result of chemical reaction in the brain?
Brain study: Studies the influence of brain in the human behavior.
Astrophysics studies the origin of the universe.
·         Is biblical creation story a fiction? Are human results of evolution?
Psychology and Freud : neuron, forces, motives that influence, determine our choices and behavior.

Thus the recent discourses in the natural and human sciences give a deeper understanding/knowledge of what we are, what we are made of, while at the same time raising serious questions to the realm of faith.